The Awards tool can be used to create Badges and Certificates that show student achievement within your course. D2L Brightspace provides a library of images and certificate templates that you can use when creating badges and certificates, as well as allows to use your own images.
Step 1. To begin creating your award/badge, click the Assessment menu, and then the Awards button.
Step 2. You will be taken to a class list which will show how many badges each student has earned. Click “Course Awards” to see all awards available in the course. If you haven’t created any, none will be shown.
Step 3. Click “Add Award to Course” to add a badge or certificate (either new or existing).
Step 4. To create a new award, click “Create Award” and enter a name (1) and description (2).
Step 5. Then select whether you want a Badge or a Certificate. Certificates provide a badge, as well as printable proof of having earned it. These are usually used for completing a practical application.
- To represent the badge, you can select an image from the D2L Brightspace library or use your own.
- If you are creating a certificate, select the certificate template, and fill in the generic information.
- Set the Award/Certificate availability
Add your name (1), a website (2), and email (3) so that badges are verified.
Step 6. Once you have saved your badge/certificate, you can edit the release conditions. You can manually award the badges/certificates or set conditions to award them automatically.