
Building a large number of multiple-choice and multi-select* quiz questions in D2L Brightspace can take time. The Office of Information Technology has created a simple program that can parse your questions in a well-formatted Word document and import them into your course's Question Library for you.  From there you can import them from the Questions Library into your specific Quiz.  Please follow the steps below to have your questions ready in no time!


  1. Make sure the questions are in a Microsoft Word Document.
  2. Each multiple-choice question needs to begin with the letter ' Q.' and a period, any multi-select question needs to start with 'QS.' and a period, and each answer choice must start with a corresponding letter.  Reference the below screenshot if you are unsure.
  3. There can be any number of answer choices but any correct answer must have an asterisk at the end of it.
  4. OPTIONAL - Question-level feedback can be left by having a line that begins with the word FEEDBACK after the last answer choice.
  5. Please leave a blank line between questions.
  6. When you are finished please open a help desk ticket and attach the Word document to the ticket.

import example

*Note:  A multi-select question is a question with one or more correct answers.  They enable users to select more than one answer.  By default, they are imported as an "All or Nothing" scoring option, meaning there is no partial credit given.  Instructors can change this if they like after the questions are imported.

**Note:  Quiz Item Analysis statistics are now available in the learning environment even if the Quiz contains non-multiple choice questions. The Quiz Item Analysis report on the Insights portal however still requires an all-multiple choice exam.