
The Manage Dates tool allows you to edit and shift all of the start and end dates on everything in your course, all on one page. This is particularly helpful when importing a previous course into your current course.

Step 1. From your course homepage, click Course Admin from the More Tools drop-down menu in the navigation bar.

screenshot step1

Step 2. Under the Site Resources area click on Manage Dates.

screenshot step2

Step 3. On the Manage Dates screen, you will see a list of all of your course Content, Discussions, Assignments, Grades, News, and Quizzes. 

In our example, we are going to use the filter options and select to manage the dates for only Quizzes. To do this:

  1. Click Specific Tools.
  2. Select the tool you wish to work on.
  3. Click Apply Filter.

screenshot step3

On the next screen:

  1. Select all of your quizzes.
  2. Click Offset Dates.

screenshot step3b

  1. You can choose to offset the start date only or the end date only.  For our example, we are going to select Both start date and end date.
  2. If you know exactly how many days you’d like to shift your dates either forward or backward, you can enter the number of days.  The better option, which allows D2L Brightspace to do that calculation for you, is to select Calculated based on two dates.
  3. Since we would like to keep the frequency we give our quizzes intact, but update the dates to be appropriate for our current semester, I am going to enter the start of the previous semester in the FROM field and the start date of the current semester in the TO field.
  4. When you are finished, click Calculate. You will see the number of days the dates will shift listed.
  5. Click Save.

screenshot step5